Editors decide whether a manuscript is sent for peer review and whether an article can be published in the journal after peer review. When deciding on the publication of articles, it is taken into account that these are academic or research-related articles that are relevant to education and educational issues in a broad sense. The principle is that submitted articles have not appeared elsewhere.

The first author of an article is the guarantor and contact person with the editor. Authors’ names are published in the same order as in the manuscript. If the editors judge that an article should be included in the journal, and meets the requirements for content and presentation, it is sent to at least two scholars for peer review.

When an article comes out of peer review, it is sent to the authors along with the editor’s report. The authors revise and correct the article according to the suggestions of peer reviewers and classification and send it back to the editor along with a report on the changes that were made. In some cases, the manuscript is again sent for peer review. Editors (and sometimes the editorial board) decide on the publication of an article. If the peer reviewer expects a thorough revision and rewriting of an article, it is also necessary to submit a report on that work. A new article is then reviewed by editors.

Publication of articles in the journal includes permission to publish online and print editions. A submitted article with a request for publication includes this license. Authors are expected to pay careful attention to language use in their articles and to specifically check citations and reference lists before submitting an article for publication. The editorial board reserves the right to alter wording or spelling as part of final preparation. The author is ultimately responsible for a published article.

Articles should be submitted by email to the email address in this template

Guidelines for preparing manuscripts

Please review manuscripts prior to submission using this checklist.

  • The length of manuscripts should normally be between 5000–8500 words, including the bibliography, notes and abstract in Icelandic and English. Figures and tables, if very few, may be considered outside the word count.
  • Manuscripts must be 11 pt. font (Calibri) and line spacing 1,0. Indented quotations should be in 10,5 pt. font and not in quotation marks.
  • A period should be followed by a single space.
  • The use of italics should be avoided, for example it is not used for foreign words in parenthesis. Abbreviations should also be avoided.
  • It should be clear what are the chapter headings and what are the sub-headings, if applicable.
    • Chapter heading should be bold capital letters, 14 pt. Calibri
    • Subheadings in chapters should be bold lowercase letters, 14 pt. Calibri
    • If one more layer of headings is needed (which, however, should be avoided), italics without bold should be used at the beginning of each line, 12 p.
    • References to authors’ own work must be hidden. Should then say in the reference „Author, year or Author and colleagues, year).
  • Figures and tables should be in the simplest possible format and on separate pages at the end of the manuscript, but marked in the manuscript where they should be located (e.g. table 1 here).
  • Authors should meticulously attend to the crafting of their articles – considering language use, structure and presentation.
  • The reference list should be formatted according to the APA style. All information (such as article titles and books, where subtitles, page numbers in journals, author names, and their initials should also be specified) in the reference list must be accurate. DOI numbers should be included when available.
    • Please note that despite other recommendations in the APA system, it is requested that the volume numbers of all journals be included.
    • Moreover, the journal requests that the Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture be cited as the author in references and the reference list.
  • Articles in English should have a 100-150 word abstract in English.
  • The article should include 3–5 keywords in English.
  • The article must be accompanied by a 40-70 word biographical summary of the authors. It must state the email address and current job, degrees (subject, university, years) and main research areas.
  • A cover letter about the article in which it is requested to be published. The letter should also include a list of hidden references to the author’s work.

The journal accepts manuscripts for research articles in English. Rules for presentation and completion take into account the compliance with the American forms of the APA style. It is not required that any information be in Icelandic in those manuscripts. The editors reserve the right to reject manuscripts that neither deal with an Icelandic research topic nor are written by authors living in Iceland.